Tuesday, July 12, 2016

5 Tips for a KILLER Workout

We have ALL had that day at the gym where we pretty much show up, wander around for 45 minutes, and go home. There is nothing more frustrating than feeling like you have wasted your time.

My thought, if you have carved out time in your day for exercise then make it WORTH IT and make it COUNT. How do we do that though? What gets us out of the "wandering around" rut? Beyond a great Pre Workout and/or BCAA's to take before or during your workout (go to jdjnutrition.com and use code 'coachaubri' for a discount), there are several solutions! Here are my top 5!

1. Learn how to properly operate and utilize equipment.

  • Many gyms will offer a free orientation of their equipment, take advantage of that.
  • Don't be embarrassed to read the instructions listed on the machine. Most will show the muscles being worked in different colors and also show how to properly set it up.
2. Come with a written or typed plan
  • You can create a weekly plan yourself or find one online (or ask me to help you make one). 
  • This should be what you will do each day of the week; weights, reps, sets, tempo, etc.
  • You can put this in your phone as well but I don't recommend that as that can distract you and lead you to other activities on your phone. 
3. Get some FANTASTIC head phones.
  • Find a quality pair of Bluetooth headphones. I recommend Jaybird X2. If your budget doesn't allow you can still find great quality BT Headphones at a lower cost. 
  • This will also help you to zone into yourself and what you are doing. It is important to tune out others to remain focused. 
4. Put your phone on "Do Not Disturb" or "Airplane Mode". 
  • You may not think that a text or phone call can derail your workout but it can. It will mess with your rest time, your rep count, or even just your groove.
  • The world can do without you for an hour and you owe it to yourself to disconnect. 
5. Wear exercise clothes that you feel GREAT in.
  • If you don't feel confident, you are more likely to be timid in your exercise and to focus on what other people are thinking about you versus focusing on yourself and progressing.
  • Be confident and it will show in the intensity you put in. 
You can do this! You have the power to have a great workout or a useless one. You have already made the time to be there so don't waste it!! 

Love your buds,
Bryce and Aubri Goodfellow

Monday, June 27, 2016

Mindset and Success

"About 3 months ago I realized my health was getting out of control weighing in at 228 lbs. I then set a goal to get under 200 lbs and I finally reached that goal today. I was ADDICTED to fast food and soda and kicking those addictions was one of the hardest things I've ever done. As cliche as it sounds, if I can do it you can do it!! I want to thank my wife Jena Edwards Goodfellow for her continued support in this journey. I also need to thank Aubri Gayle Goodfellow for killer workout and meal plans, if your stuck and need help or motivation she's the best! I'm not stopping here, time to get stronger than Bryce Goodfellow!"

What changed?
I think it is true to say that most people who are overweight WANT to lose weight and become healthier. So, why is it so difficult? 


I have watched Nathan, my Brother-in-Law, change his mindset. 

He changed habits that he has had for his entire life. Things like drinking soda daily and eating away from his home were a few things that he has cut back on. He has also added daily exercise. These things are not easy in today's society. Of course it would have been easier to keep living that way but he decided that he wasn't going to do that to his health or his future. I have been in awe watching how motivated he is. I can tell that it isn't a short lived "quick-fix" type of motivation. He is in a new phase of habits and lifestyle choices that can drive him through the rest of his life if he lets it. 

Just wanting it is not enough. It is about small changes over time. Drinking more water, exercising daily, eating more vegetables, and goal setting. If we don't truly change our HABITS then any change we see will be temporary. Nathan knows that he doesn't want to nor can he stop here. It is a lifetime of keeping these newly formed habits for the benefit of himself and his family. 

The beauty of your mindset is that it is 100% controlled by you. YOU decide what you eat, when or if you exercise, and how you spend your time. 

3 STEPS to get you started
  1. Know your "why". You need to decide WHY you want to lose weight. It needs to be a true           and long lasting reason. It shouldn't be "So I look good on vacation next week". 
  2. Set goals. S.M.A.R.T. goals. (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, and Time Bound).   
    1. Non-SMART goal: Eat more veggies. 
    2. SMART Goal: I will eat at least 3 servings of vegetables per day for 5 days this week. 
  3. Be open-minded to change. You won't reach your goals if you aren't willing to change                    anything. You need to be open. You may need to cut out juice or soda. You may need to              change your schedule so you can workout. Embrace the change. 

One guy was passing the elephants, he suddenly stopped, confused by the fact that these huge creatures were being held by only a rope tied to their legs. It was obvious that the elephants could, at anytime, break away from the ropes they were tied to but for some reason, they did not. He saw a trainer nearby and asked why these beautiful, magnificent animals just stood there and made no attempt to get away. 
"Well", trainer said, "when they are very young and much smaller we use the same size rope to tie them and at the age, its enough to hold them, as they grow up, they are conditioned to believe they cannot break away. they believe the rope can still hold them, so they never try to break free." He was amazed. These animals could at any time break free from their bonds but because they believed they couldn't, they were stuck right where they were. Their powerful and gigantic creature has limited its present abilities by the limitations of its past. 
Like the elephants, how many of us go through life holding onto a belief that we cannot do something, simply because we failed at it once before? How many of us refuse to attempt something new and challenging because of our so called MINDSET?

Start today! Don't wait until a more convenient day. Now is the time to shift your mindset. Take it one day at a time, it is okay if you fail, just keep moving forward!!!

Love your buds,
Bryce and Aubri Goodfellow

Oh, and HUGE SHOUTOUT to Nate for the shift he has made in his life!

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Child Obesity: How can you stop contributing to the problem?

Child Obesity: How Can You Stop Contributing to the Problem?

We’ve all heard it--each generation is unhealthier than the last.
To me, that says that as adults, we are doing something wrong. What other generation had 18% of children ages 6-11 classified as obese? In 2012, more than one third of children and adolescents were overweight or obese. Among a sample of 5 to 17 year olds, 70% of obese youth had at least one risk factor for cardiovascular disease.
We would never want to do anything that would harm our children. We keep them away from a hot stove and hold their hand while we cross the street. Letting their health deteriorate is harming them. It just is. They don’t know any better, they don’t do the grocery shopping, and they don’t make meal choices.
It is completely up to us and if we fail on that front then we have under served our children.
I was reading an article entitled, “9 Common Mistakes Parents Make About Their Kid’s Weight” and I was pleased with each mistake listed until I got to #9. This point stated we should teach children that weight is another form of diversity. The line that really upset me stated: “Let your children know that weight is a characteristic, not a behavior.” 
I am all about body acceptance, self-love, and being proud of who you are. Yes, genetics can play a part in your weight and of course, there is not one set weight or shape that everyone should achieve.

However, if we teach our children that they have absolutely no control over their weight,  what motivation do they have to treat their weight and body with respect? 
There is a point where weight most definitely effects a child’s health. Who are we to tell them it doesn’t matter when science has shown that if a child or adolescent is obese, they are more likely to be obese as adults and at risk for heart disease, Type 2 Diabetes, stroke, several types of cancer, and osteoarthritis.

Health and weight matter. We need to love and support one another, but that does not mean accepting and supporting unhealthy lifestyles.

I am not a parent--what do I know? Well, I do know that children deserve our efforts and time to make sure they can live a long and healthy life. I know that if we accept our own unhealthy weight and lifestyle that our children are more likely to follow our path. I know that we control which food we provide our children.
I have 22 nieces and nephews--I would hate to see any of them struggle with unhealthy weight in their lives without us doing anything about it. We should all feel the weight (no pun intended) of this issue on our shoulders regardless if we have children of our own. 
Childhood obesity has more than doubled in children and quadrupled in adolescents in the past 30 years. That is not an effect of diversity or genetics. That is an effect of our poor examples as adults and parents--that’s on us.
Need help? Let us assist you to improve the health of your family. We want to help you take those baby steps to improving you and your family's habits. You really can do it!
Love your Bud,
Aubri Goodfellow

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

5 Kitchen Gadgets and Tricks You Shouldn't Live Without

5 Kitchen Gadgets and Tricks You Shouldn't Live Without

1. Kitchen Aid

I use my Kitchen Aid to shred my chicken. That’s right--shred my chicken! Use the pictured attachment and place your cooked (I normally boil) chicken breasts. Turn it on and be amazed at what quick work this makes of your shredding! This attachment usually comes with your Kitchen Aid, but if you don’t have it, you can pick one up here.
*Make sure you get the right one for your size Kitchen Aid


2. Veggie Spiralizer

I love this thing! I personally prefer zucchini because it tends to spiral the best and it is easy as well. Do you have a sauce you LOVE on pasta but you are hoping for a PVF meal? This is a great alternative to pasta and, believe me, gives you more flavor and satisfaction. Add some cottage cheese, chicken, or ground turkey for your (P) or even ground beef for your (P) & (F). I got mine on amazon for only $10. 


3. Digital Probe Thermometer

This gadget!!!! I don’t’ know about you but the one thing I hate the most about protein prep is knowing if it is cooked thoroughly or not. This gadget takes all of the thought and worry out of it. Stick the probe into the thickest part of your meat and magnet the apparatus to the outside of your oven. It will tell you when your meat reaches a safe temperature. No more opening your oven or slicing open your meat (slicing open meat that is fresh from cooking releases its juices and makes it dry, let the meat rest for a few minutes for the juices to distribute and keep it yummy). I got mine for only $20 at Bed Bath & Beyond.

4. Potato Masher

What? This little thing? YES! Put your ground meat into your pan and you take your spoon to start breaking it up but you are left with giant and uneven pieces of meat. Not anymore! Use your potato masher to break up your ground meat.
*Don’t use a stainless steel one on your non-stick pans.*
If you are looking for a coated masher, I would give this one a try fromBed Bath and Beyond.


5. Small Scoop Colander

I LOVE this thing. I am all about minimizing dishes when I am meal prepping and this one saves so much space in the dishwasher. This is great for one serving of pasta, veggies (canned or steamed), or washing berries. I also found this item at Bed Bath and Beyond for only $7! P.S. Joseph Joseph, the makers of this, make my FAVORITE kitchen gadgets. 
Can you tell that: 1) I love a good deal, and 2) I love Bed Bath & Beyond? BB&B offers so many discounts and coupons that you almost never need to buy something full price. Like with anything, all of these items can usually be found at Amazon, Walmart, Target, etc.

What are your gadgets and tricks?

As a fitness family we need to share things with one another to make leading a healthy lifestyle that much easier! Be sure to share your special items with us that you love! Hope one of these helps make your prep more enjoyable.
Love your Bud,
Aubri Goodfellow

Monday, June 13, 2016

I Don't Exercise for Myself

I exercise for my Husband.

He truly is my everything. We met when we were 16 and I have been head over heels ever since. We have been married for 3 ½ years now. He has supported me through school and the many ups and downs of being in the fitness industry. I am a personal trainer to many. I motivate, teach, and encourage others while I can tend to be discouraged and unmotivated myself. It can be hard when you are giving so much to others to then give back to yourself. You’ve heard that a therapist needs a therapist? Well I stand firm in the belief that a Personal Trainer needs a Personal Trainer. He is that for me.

In December of 2015 I made the “out-of-the-box” decision to compete in an NGA Bikini Competition with his support and backing. This was 100% out of my comfort zone. I am not one to go for something that will bring attention or possibly even cause some controversy. I am generally a conservative person so the spray tans and itsy bitsy bikini didn’t exactly fall in line with that. When my workouts were depleting me and I was eating Spinach like a cow eats grass, he was there. At every step of the way he was there. Many people have asked why I decided to compete. I chose to compete because I wanted to do something that would challenge ME, that would push ME, and that would teach ME about MYSELF. That was the truth. That is why I did it, well once Bryce convinced me that I could do it.

I wasn’t used to being that selfish. It is a quite uncomfortable position. My meal prep, my steady-state cardio, my lifts, my body fat, my meal timing, and my competition. For 16 weeks it was all about ME. I learned so much and grew immensely but when I stepped off the stage it was a huge rush of relief that it was over.

Now the competition and the prep is over (thank goodness!) and I am back into my regular routine. I still eat for fuel and train daily. However, it is with a complete shift in motivation. I exercise and fuel and train for HIM. I still enjoy it and it keeps me sane through the day to day. Although, keeping myself healthy and happy is for him most of all. It is to give back to him what he gives to me every day. It is so I come home acting like a normal person. It is so my body will be more equipped to one day mother his children. It is to be confident with him when it comes to intimacy. It is to feel free with my body and my relationship with him. When I am not at my best, our relationship is not at its best. So it is for him, which in turn is for me, and it is completely and wholly for US. 

That’s why I wear my Enso ring when I train. When I have just one more rep I can look at that ring and remember my WHY. What is your why? 

Get your enso rings here. I don't endorse many products but these guys are local and offer a quality product that I can't resist!